If you are in the market for a turnkey Internet business, I can probably guess a few things right off the bat. The obvious, you would like to earn income from the Internet. Easy enough to guess. Good. That’s great. I think there is plenty of room on the Internet for new comers. However, it is critical that you are well educated about turnkey websites. In addition to opportunity, there is also an amazing number of scammers out there preying on the unknowing.

The other thing I can guess is that you are probably not overly technical. By that I mean, you probably don’t have the skills to build a website from scratch yourself. Perhaps you know a little html, maybe not. But I’m guessing you don’t have any dynamic scripting capabilities. It is very unlikely that you have database SQL query writing capabilities. Great news. When you use turnkey websites to launch an Internet business, you don’t need them. That’s the beauty of the turnkey Internet business concept.

So how does a turnkey Internet business really work? It’s fairly simple. You sign up for one of the platforms available on the market today that construct turnkey websites based on your selections during a set up process. They will ask you for a credit card number and to pay an agreed-upon up-front cost. There is usually some type of ongoing fee as well. Perhaps there is a hosting fee. I know of one platform that only charges hosting fees if you make money. I have not found that deal elsewhere.

After you have signed up and picked a domain name, most turnkey websites are up and running immediately. There may be a 24 hour delay as occasionally the domain name needs to be replicated. You should receive log on instructions from the website you purchased your turnkey business from.

All of the turnkey businesses I have reviewed have point-and-click administrator panels. This means you don’t do any scripting or coding. Instead, you organize your site, pick products, import images through screens. Given my assumptions of your technical capabilities, this is probably perfect.

Some of the turnkey websites I have seen are geared more toward ecommerce where you need to supply the products being sold. Others have built in affiliate capabilities so you can sell products right out of the eBay and Amazon catalogs. I prefer these as you don’t get involved in customer service, inventory management at all. But if you have a unique product or direct line to a distributor of some hard-to-find gadget, you may prefer the non-affiliate turnkey websites.

My last point is to make sure you go into your turnkey Internet business with an appropriate mindset. This is a business. That means there will be work involved. Anyone who professes you will be rich with 5 minutes of work per month is not to be trusted. That being said, if you are ready to put in some time and creativity, you can grow a wonderful little income from these turnkey websites.

As mentioned above, I recommend the following turnkey Internet business from IncomeStores.com as there is no hosting charge until you make money on the platform. There are also helpful video tutorials, a forum and great customer service.