Robert Kiyosaki - The Perfect Business - Residual Income, Investing, Network Marketing Robert Kiyosaki – The Perfect Business – Residual Income, Investing, Network Marketing, Work From Home, Home Based Business, Enterpreneur, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Video Rating: 4 / 5 The Power of Residual Income | Getting Paid Over and Over Again for Doing the Job Once Wondering what residual income is? In this video I give you examples of residual income and explain to you why it is a powerful force for creating wealth and time freedom in your life. With an uncertain economy, you want to be sure that you have additional streams of income that can support your family should you ever lose your primary job. When you think of residual income, you might think of authors or musicians who produce one piece of really great content and get paid for that content for years to come without having to do any more work. Or maybe you think of residual income when you think of someone who invests in stock or real estate and they get paid back on that investment passively over time. But another great form of residual income that is available to pretty anyone in the general population is building a home-based business. Even if you grew a small network marketing business part-time in addition to your job, imagine what that monthly residual income could do for you in your family. Residual income can help you pay extra bills, save up more money, or provide a cushion should an emergency ever happen with your primary job. The beauty of residual income is that you learn to make your money work for you rather than you working so hard for your money. If you want to create financial freedom, spend more time with your family, and get paid
Video Rating: 4 / 5