Google Adsense is truly a legitimate online money making opportunity, where you make cool cash by simply providing useful information surfers, while the click on targeted adverts from Google, which will match the content of your blog; clicking on the Google ads on the BLOGS, is crucial to how much money you make from the programme, this means, to achieve reasonable revenue from Google Adsense you must ensure to achieve a higher CTR.

What is CTR?

CTR simply means Click Through Rate, and this translates into the level of navigation which your website of blog, receives from individual web surfers, the more a web surfers spends on your site, before leaving matters a lot, because if a surfer stays on your site for 5-10 minutes, then you will achieve a higher CTR, and possible some revenue from Cost Per Impression, which Google pays you for the level of time, you expose these ads, to a webs surfer through your website.

The big question is, How can you get a surfer hooked down on your website or blog, or even get to revisit it again after the first time, the secret to this is quality content, you must realize that making good money, needs a good deal of hard work, you must ensure to update your website content daily, by dropping useful articles, at least one in a day, to help your web visitors further achieve their aim of visiting your website or even surfing on the net, if your website prospects realize that you are a master or even have a commanding voice in their niche of interest, then they are bound to stick to your website to gain useful information to enable them achieve their aims ad objectives.

Another important factor which will help improve your blog CTR, is how you have carefully displayed the Google ads on your website, which will attract the surfer to click on them, from thorough research it has been discovered that the top left hand corner of your website or blog, is the most strategic location to place your Google ads, because naturally we read from left to right, and placing the ad at the top left corner, the eye of the surfer, will definitely notice those nicely selected Google ads, which Google will display on your site, if the website or blog, is technically packed and created with high target key word, then the ads from Google will be very relevant to your website visitor, because it will carry useful information that are related to your website content.

As the saying goes-“Nothing good comes easily” with a good deal of hard work, and following some workable principles, one can really earn a reasonable income through Google Adsense.

Jibril Ellams, is an Engineer, a renowned marketer, and Sports agent, he has taken time to come up with proven and workable theories, to assist every one succeed in making money online. Visit my Online Business school, to get first class information on how to start a profitable home business. Sign Up to My Blog for Instant online Revenue: