When it comes to safari holidays, there is no better place than the continent of Africa. Africa is blessed with vast grasslands and rain forests that are packed with animals. The continent is known for its fauna and has always been a favourite holiday spot for many animal lovers. Tanzania and Kenya are the most visited places in Africa when it comes to safari.

Nature At Your Fingertips

Safari holidays bring a person very close to nature. Going on a safari lets the tourists see wildlife in its natural setting, roaming the African plains. The safaris are usually conducted by experienced professionals who give excellent guidance and take the tourists to the best spots. The tours are usually conducted in jeeps. Sighting animals on the African plains are exciting and quite an experience. The animals roam so close to the jeep that it is almost possible to touch them. These safaris also give the tourists a taste of the African tribes and their customs.

It could be said that Kenya is the one of the most popular locations in Africa. The Kenya safari holidays are unforgettable experiences. In Kenya alone, there are several reserves like Mount Kenya, Nairobi, Masai Mera, Kora, Meru, Sambru, and Shaba National Parks. Masai Mera is actually a national reserve and one of the best places to visit in Africa. A visit to this natural habitat is an experience that no tourist would forget. The reserve is famous for its cheetahs, zebras, gazelles, spotted hyenas, and wild beasts. It is close to the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania.

Tanzania is again a great destination for safari holidays. The Serengeti National Park is very famous all around the world. It is the home for many rare species of animals, some of whom are threatened due to human destruction. The park is famous for its elephants, leopards, black rhinoceros, and buffalos. One of the unique features of Serengeti is that it has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is between the Serengeti and Masai Mara that the Great Migration occurs. This is a natural phenomenon and refers to millions of herbivores cascading between the two reserves in search of green.

The lodgings available in these locations are usually very close to the reserve and give the tourist a taste of wildlife. There are quaint tree-top lodges where a person can live on top of the trees. This gives an excellent view of the reserve even at night. Also, there are experiences quoted by tourists of seeing wild beasts and elephants roam the boundaries of their resort at night. Tourists are able to hear lions roar and elephants trumpet in the quite of the night.

If it is safari holidays, the best choice is Africa. There is no other place that would give a more rewarding and unforgettable experience than Africa when it comes to wildlife. The reserves and their tours are all remarkable experiences that can be cherished forever.

Safari holidays are a perfect blend of luxury and adventure. These holidays are so indulgent that you will keep coming back. The natural unbroken craters and the big five animals offer a unique experience.For more information about Kenya Safari visit www.luxury-safaris.co.uk