1. Smile. Everything on Twitter is public.

2. Tweet only. Twitter is not a substitute for personal or business email. Everything on Twitter is public.

3. Tweet regularly, so followers have something to follow.

4. Get to the point. You have only 140 characters, so say what you have to say, period.

5. Blow your own horn, but softly. Followers want to know who you are, what your are doing, even what you are selling, but followers will turn off blowhards.

6. Twitter is a social networking site: anyone can find you and see who you are following and who is following you. Everything on Twitter is public.

7. Tweet. This is not Facebook, Linkedin, Plurker, or any other website. Unlike Facebook, for example, Twitter does not ask your permission before establishing links between users (for the exception, see number 12 below). Everything on Twitter is public.

8. Any message containing @yourTwitterID is a “mention” that appears in your replies (your Home; at right of your Home page, click @yourTwitterID to see just where you have been mentioned). This means that your staff, customers, family, and friends can increase the visibility of your Twitter page, provide a link to your Profile page, and you can see how they are working you into their tweets.

9. If you use your real name at Settings/Name, people searching by your name can find you on Twitter, and your name would appear on the Profile page open to the public; this enables people to find you by name, in addition to your username (business name).

10. Yes, you may tweet through your mobile phone; set it up at your Settings/Devices page.

11. Protect your copyrights and trademarks by remembering that everything on Twitter is public.

You post it means you release it to the public, publish it online.

12. Using the privacy protection option limits who can view your updates to those people whom you approve. This option omits your updates from the public timeline, and this keeps your updates out of search results. This is not a marketing strategy.

(C) Anne Millbrooke 2009

An award-winning writer and experienced editor, Anne Millbrooke of Bozeman, Montana, has corporate, academic, government, and non-profit experience. Anne has written and edited reports, press releases, exhibit text, scripts, web content, speeches, articles for newspapers and magazines, chapters of books, and books. Her AVIATION HISTORY book is used by universities and flight schools around the world. Her latest book is a 700-page reference work on ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ALPHABETS OF AVIATION, A GUIDE TO CONTEMPORARY AND HISTORICAL TERMS FOUND IN AVIATION LITERATURE. Anne is available to help you get the product you need: http://www.annemillbrooke.com/

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