What is linkedin

If you have ever received an email that says “Join my network on Linkedin”, you’ve probably wondered, ‘What is linkedin’. A simple answer is that its the world’s largest professional network, helping people find and share opportunities everyday.

But how is it relevant to you? Managing your career is just one reason to join linkedin. As you develop your professional profile, you establish an authoritative resource on your experience and capabilities, that lets people find you when they search the internet. In two minutes, you’ll be up and running with the most important page on the web you’ll ever have.

Do you know what people find when they google your name? With linkedin you will have more control over what appears in google results, and having a robust profile encourages people to approach you with opportunities.

Many of your contacts are already on linked, and you can reconnect just by uploading your address book. This lets you stay in touch even as your contacts change jobs and email addresses. Your reputation is summed up by the relationships you’ve developed over your career.

Linkedin helps you maintain these relationships authentically. In addition, when you want to make new business connections, you can find people using linkedin search tool, then see who you know in common. This makes it easy to request an introduction from your trusted connections.

You can also join a linkedin group where professionals in your field discuss issues and solve problems related to your industry. Link to your twitter account, share tweets with your professional network, both from Linkedin to twitter and vice-versa.

Use linkedin’s mobile application to stay current with your network wherever you are.These are just a few features that help you get the most out of linkedin.

Whether you are working in an office or on the go, Linkedin keeps you in touch with the people that matter to your career, and since signing up is free, Linkedin just might be the best investment you’ll ever make in your career.

Learn how to maximize your profits by using linkedin.
Visit http://linkedinprofits.info

Copyright 2010, BusinessFirst Consultancy. As an author, I write about various topics of interest and sometimes review and recommend different products and services.

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