I don’t have insurance and I can’t afford the dental care I need. What resources are available to me? It is possible that you cannot afford an Anaheim Dentist in your area. There are other avenues in finding good dental care that will not close out your bank account, nor force you to charge the expense to your credit card. Here are some of your options:

Talk to your local health agencies. They might be scheduling free dental clinics in your area for minor treatments like professional cleaning, extractions, or fillings
You can also approach hospitals, clinics, or institutions who have their ear to the ground on free dental treatments
Search for dental grants or free dental consultations on the internet

You can also consider buying a dental plan which is different from a dental insurance. For one, the dental plan is really a discount plan which means you pay a small membership fee, and get a card that will automatically entitle you to a certain discount percentage from any of its accredited clinics. This does not even have to be limited to dental care, but spill over to other medical concerns.

Two, dental plans will not inhibit treatments nor expect you to have a waiting period before being able to avail of the discount. The minute you pay the membership fee, you can walk over to the nearest accredited clinic and use the discount card.

There are also some oral care companies that regularly have free dental clinics to promote their products. You should log on to their website and register for free updates. They will put you on their emailing list, and you get first hand information on new products, free products, and free treatments.

You can also try talking to people in your social and family network. Recommendations and referrals can get you a huge discount on dental services. You just need to swallow your pride and ask.

The one thing you should avoid at all costs is trying to seek cheap dental services from an underground source. This means going to a dinky, dark clinic where the person performing the dental treatments is unable to produce legitimate and legal papers on certification, or even medical training. The effects of a botched dental job will mean a tremendous expense on your part, and this will take you back even further.

If you are willing, there is one last option you can consider. It means spending money, but not as much as you imagine. This is going to a place that offers medical tourism. Usually these places are out of the country, and in countries that have cheaper labor and costs. This does not mean inferior service or mediocre dentists. It’s just that dental care, as in other medical care procedures, in the United States have gone from bloated to luxurious. It is expensive, and by traveling to a place that offers it at a fraction of the cost, you get to have your dental needs attended to properly while enjoying a vacation of sorts. Of course, you will need to choose your destination properly, and make sure that everything is above board.

Fred Johnson is an author who regularly contributes articles and ebooks that discuss Anaheim Dentists. To read more, be sure to visit http://www.bestanaheimdentist.com.

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