When people start shopping around for car insurance, they are often confused about the various kinds of car insurance and what it can do for them. There are lots of different policies and types of coverage available on the market right now which can make the process of choosing very confusing and frustrating for many people. The good news is that even though many individual car insurance companies offer unique kinds of car insurance policies, there are basic facts that apply across the board no matter what kind of policy you choose.


The two most common types of car insurance are full coverage and liability. Most everyone who buys car insurance now days has one of these two types of policy or a slight variation of them. If you think of all car insurance policies in terms of these two basic kinds of coverage, it will be very easy to understand just what you’re getting for your money. Once you understand the difference between full coverage and liability car insurance, you can easily ask your car insurance company which of their policies matches up closely to these basic types, and what kind of price you can get for your coverage.


Full coverage car insurance is usually the fullest coverage you can get. This kind of auto insurance is usually chosen by people who have more expensive vehicles, new vehicles or rare vehicles they want to protect in case of an accident. Full coverage car insurance will cover damages you do to another person’s vehicle, their property, or their person if the accident is your fault. It will also cover damages done to you, your car, or your property is the accident is another person’s fault and they are either uninsured or have a plan that doesn’t cover the full extent of the damages you receive.

Most car insurance agents suggest a full coverage policy for new drivers and people who have just purchased a new car. This is because there are an unfortunate number of uninsured drivers on the road today, and full coverage will make sure you don’t get left with expenses if someone causes damage to you or your property.


Liability car insurance is similar to full coverage, but it offers less protection in case of an accident. With liability car insurance, only the damages done by you to another person or their property in an accident where you are at fault are covered. This car insurance is usually the bare minimum coverage required by most State laws. With liability, if you are at fault in an accident your insurance can help cover the damages you cause, but it will not help cover damages done to your vehicle, property, or person. Liability car insurance is best suited for drivers who are experienced; rarely get into accidents, and who don’t drive vehicles with a high value.


Liability and full coverage car insurance policies do differ in cost, so you’ll need to keep that in mind when shopping for the perfect policy for you. Liability is usually less expensive than a full coverage policy because it only covers minimal damage you cause versus any damage caused in any accident.


If you have any questions about your individual needs for car insurance, speak with your car insurance agent to find out which policy will be best for you.

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