Most brides and grooms don’t think about wedding insurance, or if they do, they look at it as an extra expense that probably won’t be necessary. In most instances, it isn’t necessary. Most weddings go according to plan. Vendors deliver what they are supposed to, the dress is ready on time and the venue is ready for you as you show up. That’s most weddings.

Health problems on the part of the bride or the groom can necessitate a rescheduling of a wedding. Many vendors will not refund deposits if that happens. Health issues could include a stroke, or an accident. Even though this isn’t the fault of the wedding party, vendors are busy and they can’t always accommodate problems like this.

Another culprit for ruining wedding ceremonies is weather. A sudden storm blows in and the wedding party can’t make it to the venue. Torrential rains or snowstorms can cause flights to be delayed or canceled. Hurricanes and tornadoes can destroy a venue. It’s nice to be able to have recourse if this happens and to know that you won’t be out any money for something you have no control over.

Construction can cause noise and dust concerns. However, if you’ve booked the wedding location and structural repairs need to take place, the wedding location does not necessarily have to refund your money as long as they still provide a place for the wedding. Protect yourself against this with wedding insurance.

Sometimes during the wedding reception, people get a little too joyous and things get broken or damaged.

Replacing a stained carpet can cost thousands. With wedding insurance, the wedding party is covered. If a chair breaks, or a mirror gets cracked, you won’t have to let it ruin your wedding.

While vendors are usually professional, some are not reputable. Those vendors may promise services and never follow through on them. They may not show up on the wedding day and a last minute scramble to find a replacement can cost time and extra money. If a dress doesn’t make it on time, insurance will cover you to buy another one. If there is no cake on the wedding day, insurance will pay for another cake. If the dress is stained or torn, the pictures ruined, you can be assured you will be reimbursed.

Some people don’t believe in insurance, but some people rest better at night knowing they have insurance, that if the unlikely happens, they won’t have to worry. The cost of the insurance usually outweighs the stress of having something happen at the last minute.

You can take your chances without wedding insurance, but for some, it offers peace of mind. With insurance there are less things to worry about.

For Arizona’s premier wedding venue, visit where your wedding dreams will come true.

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