In a highly commoditized market place like eBay it is not enough to sell unique products only; it is also important to dress up your store window so that the right people come looking. There are an increasing number of options provided on EBay that help you customize your store for a look that goes with your desired image.


So, if you are trying to appeal to a young trendy audience, you may want your store to look a certain way while you may want a more somber look if you are in the business of selling tombstones. Just follow the quick easy steps given below to get started on giving a new face to your store on eBay.

1. First, use the “Quick Store Setup” feature which is provided by eBay new store owners. Then choose from the various recommended settings that you feel best suit your store and self.

2. Then proceed to pick colors for your store which could be a match with your website/logo design. If you don’t have a logo yet, this could be a great time to either design something yourself using Photoshop or enlisting an external agency. Make sure that you have a logo in every page and every email that you send out.

3. Categorize and subcategorize all the merchandise into the most relevant heads/sub heads.  You can then display them on the left side of your e-store listing.

4. Proceed to add pages that describe, detail or give more information about you, your company, products, history, achievements or even anecdotal evidence that help you build a unique identity and with it, consumer interest.

5. Even the storefront layout can be changed by using the html code inserted into the eBay provided boxes. In case you do not know the basics of code creation, you could enlist the support of a web designer to help do it for you.


The next step is to register for a domain name that will describe your store. This can be accomplished through the store management feature.

After you have customized the look and feel of your store, you can turn your attention to making sure that you start customizing it from a business point of view. Some suggestions:

1. Titles are the first thing that a user sees and also play a pivotal role in getting you ranked – make sure that all facts/words that a user may use, are mentioned upfront.

2. Keep the description precise and informative. Avoid use of word like great/discounted …etc. in favor of words that give out more data like measurements, color, size, texture…etc.

3. Use as many good quality pictures as you can. Online shoppers rely a lot of visual aids to help them decide what to buy.

Customization is all about standing apart from the rest. It is about having something unique to say and offer. Make sure that both your store and products speak the same language.


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